by Sharon Hall | Feb 10, 2021 | Awards
The Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Initiative in the School of Life Sciences is hard at work! We’ve received funding for inclusive curriculum revisions for high enrollment courses (Inclusive Teaching Fellowships) and for faculty...
by Sharon Hall | Feb 4, 2021 | Our team
We’re pleased to introduce you the newest members of our team, Briana Thomas, Gabriela Goncalves, and Juan Pablo Paredes-Sanchez. These students joined our group as 2021 WAESO Research Fellows. This semester they’ll be working with Hall Lab researchers...
by Sharon Hall | Feb 4, 2021 | New publications
I’m thrilled to share my new paper on global nitrogen deposition and ecosystem response, which is to be published in the 50th Anniversary Collection of the journal, Ambio. This was a fun article to write, as a 20-year look-back on the field and how its...
by Sharon Hall | Dec 16, 2020 | Our team
We are excited to announce that former Hall Lab student, Dr. Michele Clark, will stay at ASU for her new post-doctoral position to lead the graduate scholars network of ESSA, the Earth Systems Science for the Anthopocene initiative! ESSA is a graduate training...
by Sharon Hall | May 13, 2020 | Awards
We are pleased to announce that our very own Karina Renteria has been honored with the Best Poster Award at the WAESO Annual Conference for Undergraduate STEM research! Karina presented her research on invasive plants in Nepal, tilted “Impacts of invasive plant...
by Sharon Hall | May 1, 2020 | Awards
Congratulations to ecologist, data scientist, and Ph.D. student Megan Wheeler, who has been honored with the 2020 Distinguished Graduate Student Award from the ASU Faculty Women’s Association! We’re so proud of you, Megan.
by Sharon Hall | Apr 23, 2020 | Awards
We are proud to announce that incoming M.S. student Alexandreana Cocroft has received an Interdisciplinary Enrichment Fellowship from the ASU Graduate College. Alexandreana will join the Hall Lab at ASU and our NSF Macrosystems Biology team this Fall 2020 to...
by Sharon Hall | Apr 21, 2020 | Posters and presentations, Thesis/dissertation defenses
Congratulations to Luis Gutierrez for successfully defending his Barrett Honors thesis, titled “Ethnic, Familial, and Cultural Barriers Impacting non-White Representation in Environmental Programs.” He found that students choice of degree program were...
by Sharon Hall | Apr 18, 2020 | Posters and presentations
Congratulations to WAESO students Isaiah Bing, Rafael Rodriguez Garcia, Daniela Kenney, and Karina Renteria for successfully presenting their posters at the Annual WAESO Research Conference in Tempe, Arizona! Kudos also to mentors extraordinaire, Ph.D. candidate...
by Sharon Hall | Apr 18, 2020 | New publications
Congratulations to collaborator and Susannah Lerman for her interview by the National Wildlife Federation! Cultivating Change Wildlife-friendly gardening shows promise for restoring biodiversity in our increasingly urban world. By Jessica Snyder Sachs, Apr 01,...